Tuesday, January 17, 2012

New Year! New Who?

End of the Pity Party:  I don't need a new me!  I need to find the old ME!

           Having Kids with special needs sets you up for a life of "The poor me" syndrome!  You can fall into a depressive, angry state of life without even realizing it.  Daily pity parties become a way of life and before you realize it years have passed.  Where did all the fun go?  Time to move on and upward from this type of life!  I woke up with only a few days left to 2011 and decided enough was enough!  I couldn't live like this anymore.  I have not only turned myself into an abominable mess of a person, but my children are now living an anxiety ridden, miserable being!  Where to start?  It is all in the attitude!  Yep, that is all it takes!  Enough of the yelling, talking down and anger.  I started to realize how much of my pity parties were about my selfishness over ridiculous things!  I have kids, why would I think I was ever going to sleep in again or get to watch television that wasn't rated G!  I had to stop and think about why I had kids and why I wanted them to begin with!  Life isn't suppose to be like this!  Why am I so unhappy?  Well, this is where I started and the path I am trying to continue on for 2012!

  1. ACCEPT: Accepting the imperfection (not dysfunction) of our family was the most important!  I could not expect perfection in life when I myself could not produce it, let alone expect if from my kids or hubby!
  2.  CHILL OUT:  The anxiety I produce affects everyone around me!  This had to be a very conscious effort.  I stress over everything, things I cannot change, and it can and will take over life!
  3. SMILE & LAUGH:  I never smile or laugh anymore!  When, on the rare occasion that I did, it actually hurt because I wasn't use to it! Now I find myself standing in the door way watching my kids goofy antics and smiling at them instead of yelling at them.
  4. THEY ARE KIDS:  Remind yourself of this!  I'm not saying let them run the house.  I still yell and get irritated.  Just remember they are suppose to have fun, not act like adults!
  5. THINGS:  Quit looking for things to make you happy!  Teach your children this (I have totally failed at this)!  Keeping up with the Jones' is not getting you anywhere. Time is all you really need, TOGETHER!  Sometimes ALONE! Sometimes a date with your SPOUSE (or significant other)!
  6. SUPPORT: You will need to be upset, sad, angry, etc. You will need to vent without laying all on your kids.  Find a friend who gets it or find a group.  I found mine on Facebook through a group called Shut Up About Your Perfect Kid.  A group for parents of Special Needs Children.  There are a lot of people that do not care for the title of this group or the book written by Gina Gallagher and Patricia Konjoian. However, through this group, I found a judgement free zone of love, caring and understanding.  I also found a way to give back by simply being able to say to others "I get it"!  There are many on-line support groups, find one that is right for you!
  7. DROP THE DRAMA:  I realized I can be as big of a drama queen as my kids! (Need I say more?)
  8. PICK YOUR BATTLES:  Is it a big deal if your 7 year old goes to bed wearing a winter hat when the heat index is 112? Or, for that matter, if your 10 year old is running around the house in a tank top and shorts when there is a -10 degree wind chill?
  9. MANNERS: Remember the age old saying "Do as I say, not as I do."?  That is out the door.  I found if I am polite with a please and thank you then my kids are typically very accommodating to my requests.  If I demand things of them, they give me attitude.
  10. LOVE: "All you need is Love!"  Lennon knew what he was talking about.  Hugs and kisses all around make for happier children, making for happier parents!
           Think of your own ways to have a "Happy" Life!  I could go on forever with this.  End the Pity Party and find the old you!


  1. sandie thanks for the up-lift and a great eye opener. For years I've been battling this and you explained everything that I feel wow! This encourages me to make changes there is still time its only january 17th. Thanks this means a lot to me to read this. Also "picking your battles" speaks high volume in my life right now. God bless you.

    1. Thank you Ruth! Took me quite some time to figure these things out! We will all get there!

  2. Thanks, Sandie - this is a great reflection. It goes for everyone, not just parents of kids with special needs. Keep up the good work and keep blogging. Love, Uncle Jim.

  3. Sandie, I think this is absolutely wonderful. Every mom can relate to this and as a single mom, I totally relate.
    Loved it - you have a gift my friend :) Keep writing!!

    1. Thank you Leann! You are an awesome Mom! I couldn't imagine being a single mom! It's amazing the things we manage for our children! <3

  4. Great blog Sandie!!! You forgot 'take the much needed trip to italy with a certain water lover'. LOL

    1. Thanks Water Gurl! When are we heading to Italy? I'm starving!

  5. Sandie, I love the idea of finding the OLD me instead of trying to become a NEW me! Good blog--I will keep reading. --Sharon

    1. It was such a huge realization Sharon! I miss the old me! Thank you! :)

  6. Your tight everyday can be a struggle. Choose them wisely and so the best you can everyday. Love the blog! I so get it!

    1. Thank you! It's always nice to know there are others that get it!

  7. Jessie - Your FAVE cuz!January 18, 2012 at 11:08 AM

    WONDERFUL!!!! Soooooo proud of you for writing this. It's so motivating and ALL true. I especially like the part from #9. I notice if I yell at Alex (who's 2!) to pick up or lay down or whatever, he refuses in a stubborness not unlike my own! BUT if I say please and thank you in a calm voice along with what I am requesting, he is much more compliant. and he's 2! Children might be just that, but everyone no matter what age deserves respect and shouldn't be ordered around. Just because we, the parents, are in charge doesn't mean we should run our houses like drill seargants. right?!

    well, anyways, i love you and how right you are! keep going with this. cant wait to hear about your next advice! XOXOXOXOX

    1. You're so dang sweet! Thanks Jessie! Can't wait for the wedding! :)
